Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Personally, I need a remake of Romero's THE CRAZIES like I need an intestinal parasite (and to be honest, I'd rather have the parasite--you can get rid of those), and this story from the Pittsburgh Horror Examiner gives me no confidence at all. More disconcerting than star Timothy Olyphant's ignorance of the original is that the director, Breck Eisner, appears to be a remake-happy hack. Looks like it's yet another case of classic '70s horror bent over a barrel for the multiplex crowd.

Still, for a project more concerned with dollar signs, they've made a pretty cool poster.

I'll probably stick with the original.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Like Freddy Krueger or a bad herpes outbreak, you just can't seem to get rid of me. I'm everywhere, it appears, and no one's more surprised than me. I never thought I'd be part of one social networking site, let alone four of them, since I've never been one to hop on trends or do something simply because all my friends are doing it. As a networking tool, though, they've been invaluable and I've made some really great friends as a result. So, instead of just being content with MySpace, I've set up shop in several corners of the web.

Here's where you can find me:



The Haunt
